This page last changed on Feb 17, 2006 by [email protected].

Tag - renderErrors


Allows rendering of errors in different formats (at the moment only an HTML list is implemented but others (including JSON) to come soon)


  • as (optional) - What to render it as current options are "list". Defaults to "list" if not specified.
  • bean (optional) - The name of the bean to check for errors
  • model (optional) - The name of model, an map instance, to check for errors
  • field (optional) - The field within the bean or model to check for errors for


Render a list for the "book" bean:

<g:renderErrors bean="${book}" as="list" />

Render a list for the title field of the "book" bean:

<g:renderErrors bean="${book}" as="list" field="title"/>
Document generated by Confluence on Mar 29, 2006 08:46